Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What is the fate of your personal data after you provide it to us?

As part of our selling and buying processes whenever you purchase something from our store We will gather the personal information you provide us, such as your name, email address and even the date of purchase.

Our site automatically logs your IP when you access it. We will be able to determine the operating system of your computer and browser by collecting this information.

By agreeing to receive our newsletters we will inform you of any brand new products, store or any other information that is relevant to you.

Section 2: Consent

How can I best get my permission?

By providing the company with your personal data to complete a transaction online to purchase, verify a credit card\’s details, arrange the delivery, exchange or return of the product, or get a refund, you indicate you agree to the use and collection of your information to fulfill this sole reason.

If we require your personal information to be used for a purpose not related to marketing, then you\’ll get a direct email or you can choose to refusing.

Section 3: Disclosure

It is possible that we will have disclose personal data in the event that we are required by law or if you infringe our Terms of Service.

SECTION 5. Third-Party Services

The majority of the service providers of third parties we use only collect, share, and save your information as needed for the delivery of services.

The payment processing companies (or payment gateways) have policies on privacy which they ask us to follow in order for them complete the transaction.

It is recommended to read the privacy policies of each service provider to ensure you are aware of what they will do with your information.

Be aware that certain service providers are located or have facilities in a jurisdiction that differs from ours or yours. If you opt to conduct a transaction that involves the services of third-party providers, your information may be subject to the laws in the jurisdictions that the service provider is located or operates its facilities.

Section 5. SECTION 4.

We use all feasible methods to secure the personal information we collect from you.

Every credit card\’s information is stored and transferred via AES 256 encryption. Although no transmission method or electronic storage system is guaranteed to provide 100% security, we adhere to the PCI DSS as well as other standards of the industry.


When you access this site, you represent that you\’re the age required in the province or state in which you have the place of residence. or you have provided consent to minors dependent upon your access to this website.